About Me

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Lover of God, wife to an incredible man, freelance writer, world traveler, and avid dreamer. I am a mother of three amazing children. To me, children are one of our greatest untapped sources of creativity, inspiration and innovation. Their dreams and abilities necessitate our investment in them. If you follow God's plan for your life, you can't fail. So ask Him to show you what it is and help you walk it out.

Friday, April 15, 2011


This morning, at 5:30 when the alarm clock rang out in the dark of early morning, all I could think about was quitting.  But I didn't think "I quit!". I just thought, "Oh, I'll just sleep in today and pick back  up on Monday. No one will even know." Then I thought, "I'll know. So let me just hit snooze and then I'll go...maybe."

Right about that time, I dozed off. And in my dream, walked in a friend of mine who is on the same journey I am to overcoming obstacles. One Mom's Journey to a More Disciplined Life  She agreed to hold me accountable and it worked!! Even in my sleep and probably her sleep too. The thought of her checking in on me this week and me having to tell her, I dropped out of my training class, seemed unbearable. Mostly because it would have involved an excuse, and these days I treat excuses like contraband. 

The thing about quitting is that is doesn't seem like quitting at the time.  It seems like getting rest, taking a break, or waiting for a better time to do something,  There are all kinds of tricks our minds play on us, if we let it.
Be alert and stand guard against excuses and quitting.  Winners aren't always fast or strong, but they are those who do not draw back.

Heb 10:38


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