About Me

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Lover of God, wife to an incredible man, freelance writer, world traveler, and avid dreamer. I am a mother of three amazing children. To me, children are one of our greatest untapped sources of creativity, inspiration and innovation. Their dreams and abilities necessitate our investment in them. If you follow God's plan for your life, you can't fail. So ask Him to show you what it is and help you walk it out.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

On Track

In life it is so important to set goals.  Paul said in writing to the Philipian church, "It's not that I have already reached the goal or have already completed the course." (Phil 3:12)  When we set goals, we establish a unit of measurment with which to gauge our success.  So often we compare ourselves to others or some standard set by people who don't even know us.  When we fall short of these standards or realize that they aren't for us, feelings of failure can creep in. God tells us that it is unwise to compare ourselves to any one else. In the God's Word translation Paul puts it like this: "How can we brag about things that no one can evaluate?  Instead we will only brag about what God has given us to do..."(II Cor 10:12-13). The truth of the matter is that everyone has their own race or course to run.  It is unique and individual to who we are and what God has planned for us.

So we are to set down with God and ourselves and clearly mark the goals for our lives.  Write the vision and make it plain (Hab 2:2-3)

No one is ever too young for this.  As a child, my mother sat us down and set goals with us.  Reasonable, attainable goals.  And in reaching them, we developed a sense of accomplishment and confidence to keep on growing and improving.

You should set goals with specific parameters defined.  Short term, long term. lifelong and seasonal goals.  Personal, professional, spiritual, physical, social and financial goals.  Be clear and be reasonable, but mix it with faith. After all, the just shall live by faith (Heb 10:38).


  1. Semira, I just saw your link to this on Facebook. I want to do this with you. We have similar goals. I started a new blog for my personal journey: http://talesfromthehips.blogspot.com/. I will check in with your blog each week and you check in with mine. We can hold each other accountable to our goals. Deal?

    I will list my goals on my blog this week and write a goals post.

  2. Thank you so much! I really could use the support. And you know in doing this, I find out that we are not alone in our efforts for consistency and discipline.

    As you put it...
    To the disciplined life!
