I am starting this blog for three main reasons.
- To motivate others along their journey this year to reach their goals.
- To hold myself accountable in order to complete some things this year, that I often start and don't finish. In other words: if I quit, everyone will know.
- To practice what I preach, so to speak. I wrote an article on E-how titled " How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions This Year". In that article I suggested as a way to keep your resolutions is to create accountability.
I may not write everyday, but I will update my progress and post any applicable pictures.
I hope that you will not only join me on this journey, but also cheer me on to success.
Be sure to leave comments so that I know that we are in this together!!
I am with you!!!! I know that you will accomplish all that the Lord has commissioned you to do this year! Let me know what I can do to help.