In 2010 I need things to be different. My life is good. I am happy. Yet, deep down inside I know that I have not lived up to my full potential. Personally, I rather hate the status quo. If you linger too long with the status quo, you will invariably, end up behind, or at least not where you should be.
I've noticed in my life at one point or another, when things are good, and I've accomplished enough to not feel guilty, I settle in. I become comfortable. Comfortable is a killer of dreams and possibility.
We all have moments, if not days when we just don't feel like it. I think sometimes when I "just don't feel like it" it is because I am ok with things the way they are. We often say we want change. But if, in fact, we really wanted change, wouldn't we just change? Our desire to change has to be great enough to move us to action.
We are not alone in our efforts. Paul writing to the Philipian church tells us "For it is God which works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure".
So today, my prayer is "Thank You, Lord, that you are working in me, not only to do, but also to want to do, what pleases you"!