Anyone who knows me, knows I am always talking about the dreams God gave us and praying for my friends and loved ones that He helps them come to pass in thier lives. For some I have seen with my own eyes some of those dreams to come to pass. I know some of them, as big as the world is, so is their dream. As for myself, I am walking out some of those dreams even now. But I know there is more.
I said all that to say this. Regardless of where you are in life, there is always room to go to the next level. Room to see that next dream on the list come to pass. If you wonder what the next level is, if you see the next level not far off, or if you just need to know how to get there...Here is a great tool:
"Renew, Refocus and Recover! A Road Trip To the Life You Deserve." Get two copies and keep one for yourself and give one to a sister, friend, colleague, or even your mother for Mother's Day.
It is time to stop dreaming in life and start living the life you dream.
A friend was kind enough to give me a copy as a gift, and telling her thank you hasn't been enough. I have read, and frequently refer back to those now bent pages. I use the highlighter, ink and tear stained pages as a reference. Because until I have everything I dream of, I refuse to settle for second best ever again. This book has renewed my tenacity and helped me streamline my efforts to achieve what God has put in my heart.
The beauty of this book is that unlike some self-help books, you don't have have to be broke, busted and disgusted to get something out of it. The message of the book meets you where you are at and can be applied to any situation you are facing.
Buy it today. Renew, Refocus and Recover- by Raquel R. Robinson
By the way, I realize that there are those who are always recommending the next bestselling book. I am not one of those people nor do I follow the advice of those people. Furthermore, when I read a book, I need it to change my life or at a minimum be worth the time that I set aside to read it.
Those of us who can recall anything from our economics class, recall "opportunity costs". If it is not worth my time, I will not read it. I am confident this will be worth your time.
To check out some of the other books on my reading list this year, look on the left side of this blog.